The Helping Hand by Poul Anderson

By Poul Anderson

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S E X , “ S I L E N C E , ” A N D AU D I O TA P E | 39 Additional funding for this chapter was provided by the British Council, the Feminist Review Trust and the University of Roehampton. 6. Mass organization established in 1960 to protect the aims of the Cuban Revolution of 1959 against counterrevolutionary activity. 7. Rectificar is the official term given to past mistakes that have been recognized and corrected by the revolutionary regime. After banning religious people from party membership and other positions of responsibility for many years, during the 1990s, the regime adopted a more relaxed attitude toward religion.

About the topic of contraception.  . Do women take responsibility for protecting themselves, or do the men also take some?  . LAURA: No. Look. The campaigns that have been around here for some time say that the couple should protect themselves. But it’s always the woman who has most to lose. So the woman is the person who has to protect herself and demand that men use protection.  . But well, there are lots of young girls, and when I talk to them they tell me no, in the case of condoms, no. ” D E C E M B E R 2006 Interview with Laura and one interviewer, Carrie, in a friend’s house in Havana.

But yes, my family has also been a quiet family, no conflicts or problems.  . 24 | SILENCE NINA: And your partners [compañeros], have they always had your skin color? LAURA: No. NINA: They’ve been interracial relationships? LAURA: No, no, no. I’ve never had a compañero the same color as me. Fairer, more or less mulato, but I’ve never been in love with a compañero of my skin color.  .  . people who aren’t your, who aren’t heterosexual? For example, homosexual? LAURA: No, no, no, no. I have always had that sensitivity.

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