The Don't Sweat the Small Stuff Workbook: Exercises, by Richard Carlson

By Richard Carlson

For the hundreds of thousands who've learn Don't Sweat the Small Stuff, this inspiring new workbook has been designed to aid positioned the book's ideas into perform. contains routines, questions, and self-tests designed to assist readers positioned issues into standpoint and continue the little issues from taking up their lives.

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Perhaps they all occurred at a certain time in your life—during college or while on vacation. Maybe they are work or family successes. What about the five coolest people that you know or wish you knew—what common traits do they share? Are they all brilliant strate- Who Are You? 21 gists? Do they find time to give back to their communities no matter how busy their schedule? Do they all share your DNA? Are they great dressers? On to the five coolest things about your job. Notice any patterns here?

Hopefully the balance sheet favors the overall gestalt of your company and allows you to shine without compromising your personal mission statement. CORPORATE There are days when you’ll feel just part of the wallpaper, and it will seem almost impossible to express yourself and your individual 38 Career and Corporate Cool contribution to your company. On days like those you can use a quirky writing style, or end an e-mail with your favorite quote or flourish. COOL Two words: big picture. It can sometimes feel challenging to keep your individuality while abiding by all of the miscellaneous corporate rules and regulations.

4. 5. We’re nearly done. Off the top of your head, make a really quick list of the five worst, most painfully uncool elements about your life. 20 Career and Corporate Cool The Five Least Cool Things about My Life 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Okay, this is the last one, and it’s a good one. List the five coolest things about yourself—and no false modesty please, just shameless self-flattery. ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. An Analysis of Cool If you spend some time reading and rereading your lists, a pattern will start to emerge.

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