European Review of Philosophy: Cognitive Dynamics by Jerome Dokic

By Jerome Dokic

The eu assessment of Philosophy goals at restoring the culture of rigorous philosophical dialogue by way of bringing jointly new philosophers from quite a few components of Europe and by way of making their works on quite a lot of subject matters on hand to the philosophical group. The topic of this quantity is cognitive dynamics, a time period coined through David Kaplan in his classical paintings 'Demonstratives'. The members contact on very important standards within the idea of cognitive dynamics reminiscent of the presence of swap of brain, the query of the relative precedence of the theories of proposal and language and alterations in context and content material.

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Dei xi s as t he Sour ce of Ref er ence. I n P. Kcenan, ed. , For mal Semant i cs of Nat ur al Language, Cambr i dge: Cambr i dge Uni ver si t y Pr ess, pp. 61- 83. Per r y, J. 1986a. Per cept i on, Act i on, and t he St r uct ur e of Bel i evi ng. I n R. Gr andy and R. War ner , eds. , Phi l osophi cal Gr ounds of Rat i onal i t y: I nt ent i ons, Cat egor i es, Ends, Oxf or d: Cl ar er i don Pr ess, pp. 333- 61. 1986b. Thought wi t hout Repr esent at i on. Repr i nt ed i n Per r y ( 1992) , pp.

A. and M 65: 289- 311. Gar di ner , A. 1932. The Theor y of Speech and Language. Oxf or d: Cl ar endon Pr ess. Kahneman, D. and A. Tver sky. 1982. The Si mul at i on Heur i st i c. I n D. Kahneman, P. Sl ovi c and A. Tver sky, eds. , Judgment under uncer t ai nt y: Heur i st i cs ar i d bi ases, Cambr i dge: Cambr i dge Uni ver si t y Pr ess, pp. 201- 7. Kapl an, 1) . 1989. Demonst r at i ves. I n J. Al mog, H. Wet t st ei n and J. Per r y, eds. , Themes f r om Kapl an, NewYor k: Oxf or d Uni ver si t y Pr ess, pp.

I have shown t hat r ef l ect i on ent ai l s a shi f t i n t he exer ci sed si t uat i on, hence a change of cont ext ( si nce t he exer ci sed si t uat i on i s an aspect of t he cont ext wi t h r espect t o whi ch t he r epr esent at i on i s i nt er pr et ed) . Thi s i s i n cont r ast t o t he st andar d vi ew, accor di ng t o whi ch ver t i cal i nt er pr et i ng i n gener al i s de- coupl ed f r omcont ext ual change. The cont ext i s not t he onl y t hi ng t hat changes i n t he r ef l ect i ve pr ocess; t he cont ent of t he r epr esent at i on al so changes, cont r ar y t o what t he st andar d vi ew l eads us t o expect .

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