Les bijoux en perles by G Caserini

By G Caserini

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These memory leaks are caused by programmers allocating memory, and then losing track of its location or simply not releasing it. Java handles all memory management issues on its own, rather than leaving them to the programmer. Java allocates memory when an object is instantiated and releases it automatically when the object goes out of existence, through a process called garbage collection. ➤ Another frequent source of problems is out-of-range array indexing. C and C++ do not check for these errors, but Java does.

Java The Common Gateway Interface (CGI) is a specification that defines how a browser sends data to Web servers. It is intended for use by separate serverside programs. CGI scripts are programs written to conform to this specification. That is, CGI scripts are external programs, invoked by a Web server, that receive information from the server and pass information back to it. CGI scripts are usually written in an interpreted language such as Perl or Visual Basic, although they can be written in other languages such as C or C++.

All these features make Java an ideal platform for network software development. It is important to note that though Java is ideally suited for the creation of network software, it is not limited to network software applications. The Java API also includes facilities for graphical user interfaces (GUI’s), file access, parsing, and is rapidly expanding to include database access, remote procedure calls, component software, and other features. Java is a platform for general purpose application development.

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