Scientific Principles of Strength Training by Mike Israetel, Chad Wesley Smith, James Hoffman

By Mike Israetel, Chad Wesley Smith, James Hoffman

Extensive definitions of vital energy education and programming phrases. Nuanced discussions of the subsequent foundational education rules and the way they could impression your education and software design:

Fatigue Management
section Potentiation
person Differences
numerous powerlifting periodization schemes and their strengths/weaknesses
Myths, Fallacies and Fads in Powerlifting

Scientific ideas is going a ways past simply supplying you with units and reps to take advantage of for a number of weeks or months, particularly it's going to empower you with wisdom to create powerful education courses and make expert solutions to tricky education difficulties for a life-time.

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Your size gains are undercut because of the extra volume you could be doing instead of the super heavy sets, and the high volume of training of the hypertrophy work actually interferes with the strength work of the heavy sets in two ways. Firstly, by causing too much fatigue over time and thus preventing you from going as heavy in the next session’s and next week’s workouts by being so beat up from all the volume of the hypertrophy work. Secondly, by interfering with the nervous system adaptations that assist in maximal force production, instead favoring those responsible for the repetitive forces Chapte r N o.

The training for strength and power are almost completely compatible, but there are some compatibility issues nonetheless: Chapte r N o. 3 Sci e n t if ic P r in c ip les o f St ren g t h Tra in in g P 35 • Training for power takes time and effort that could have been used for either more strength training, recovery, size building, or any number of things that actually help improve powerlifting ability. Power production itself has a very small carryover for powerlifting performance. A truly maximal weight (by definition) moves so slowly that velocity of movement is almost irrelevant, and force production is of utmost and almost total importance.

In simple terms, if you can’t really answer why you’re doing a certain exercise or rep range or set scheme within a short paragraph pretty much on the spot, the likelihood that this training feature is specific enough to the sport to be beneficial falls dramatically. If it doesn’t address some aspect of powerlifting training, it’s probably best to leave out of the program. It’s not quite KISS (keep it simple, stupid), but rather KIR (keep it relevant). O V E R - A P P L I C AT I O N O F S P E C I F I C I T Y While Specificity is sometimes under-applied, it can also be over-applied.

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