Proceedings of the third ACM SIGPLAN conference on History by ACM - Association for Computing Machinery

By ACM - Association for Computing Machinery

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Several people at PUC-Rio first learned about Lua from that credit screen, and were surprised to learn that Brazilian software was part of a hit game. It has always bothered us that Lua is widely known abroad but has remained relatively unknown in Brazil until quite recently. 4 Lua 4 although Pthreads was popular, there were (and still there are) many platforms without this library. Second, and more important, we did not (and still do not) believe in the standard multithreading model, which is preemptive concurrency with shared memory: we still think that no one can write correct programs in a language where ‘a=a+1’ is not deterministic.

Initially, Lua had seven types: numbers (implemented solely as reals), strings, tables, nil, userdata (pointers to C objects), Lua functions, and C functions. To keep the language small, we did not initially include a boolean type: as in Lisp, nil represented false and any other value represented true. 1). For simplicity, we chose to use dynamic typing instead of static typing. 11). By July 1993, Waldemar had finished the first implementation of Lua as a course project supervised by Roberto. The implementation followed a tenet that is now central to Extreme Programming: “the simplest thing that could possibly work” [7].

1. 1 was whether and how to support multithreading, a big issue at that time. With the growing popularity of Java and Pthreads, many programmers began to consider support for multithreading as an essential feature in any programming language. However, for us, supporting multithreading in Lua posed serious questions. 1’ came a few days later, during the Lua Library Design Workshop organized by Christian Lindig and Norman Ramsey at Harvard. One of the main conclusions of the workshop was that Lua needed some kind of module system.

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