Pro ASP.NET MVC 3 Framework (draft) by Steven Sanderson, Adam Freeman

By Steven Sanderson, Adam Freeman

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ErrorMessage="Please enter a valid email address")] public string Email { get; set; } [Required(ErrorMessage="Please enter your phone number")] public string Phone { get; set; } [Required(ErrorMessage="Please specify whether you'll attend")] public bool? WillAttend { get; set; } } } The validations rules are shown in bold—MVC detects the validation attributes and uses them to validate data during the model binding process. Notice that we have imported the namespace that contains the validations so we can refer to them without having to qualify their names.

Listing 3-11 shows the changes we need to apply to the HomeController class. Listing 3-11. Hour; ViewData["greeting"] = hour < 12 ? "Good morning" : "Good afternoon"; return View(); } [HttpGet] public ViewResult RsvpForm() { return View(); 21 CHAPTER 3 n YOUR FIRST MVC APPLICATION } [HttpPost] public ViewResult RsvpForm(GuestResponse guestResponse) { // TODO: Email guestResponse to the part organizer return View("Thanks", guestResponse); } } } We have added the HttpGet attribute to our existing RsvpForm action method—this tells MVC that this method should be used only for GET requests.

The domain model approach solves many of the problems that arise in the smart UI pattern. Your business logic is contained in one place. If you need to manipulate the data in your model or add a new process or rule, the domain model is the only part of your application that has to be changed. NET MVC application is to place the model in a separate C# assembly. In this way, you can create references to the domain model from other parts of the application but ensure that there are no references in the other direction.

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