The Last Paradise (Literature of the American West, Vol 2) by James D. Houston

By James D. Houston

Resonating with old issues of quest and transformation, The final Paradise follows Travis Doyle, a Vietnam veteran operating as an coverage claims adjuster, from California to Hawaii. Doyle is dispatched to enquire hearth harm to outbuildings, apparatus, and automobiles at a geothermal drilling website situated in volcanic lava fields believed through the neighborhood population to be the house of Pele, the fireplace goddess.

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From the loft she hears the mail truck stop on the road below the house and wonders how long it has been since she's heard from Travis, marvels that a son can be so near and still so far away. But Travis doesn't see that spark among the coastal trees. He cannot yet soar high enough. With the shore far behind him he has leveled out. He is gliding westward like a seabird, his skin atingle at the thought of such a trip. It seems uncanny that Carlo would just offer it to him, like a book he has not asked for but has been itching to find and read.

Houston UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA PRESS : NORMAN Page iv This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. The Last Paradise is Volume 2 in the Literature of the American West series. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Houston, James D.  Houston.  cm.  Series. 54dc2197-31878 CIP The paper in this book meets the guidelines for permanence and durability of the Committee on Production Guidelines for Book Longevity of the Council on Library Resources, Inc.

Travis needs one, though it may not be the one she would imagine for him. Only now, as this trip gets underway, is he beginning to be ready to look at where he comes from and where he is headed. Travis Doyle. five eleven. 175 pounds. Brown hair. Gray eyes. Blue Volvo. Purple Heart. Wells Fargo savings and checking. Home phone unlisted. High school varsity track and Field. Accident-Free discount with Mutual Life. Reformed smoker. Frequent flyer. Born in San Jose. Conceived in the rift zone midway between Point Reyes and San Simeon about four in the afternoon while the sun backlit the apple leaves, making them translucent, according to his mother, who was gazing upward at the time, with her eyes wide open, not wanting to miss anything.

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