Scientific Computing in Object-Oriented Parallel by Stephen J. Fink, Scott B. Baden (auth.), Yutaka Ishikawa,

By Stephen J. Fink, Scott B. Baden (auth.), Yutaka Ishikawa, Rodney R. Oldehoeft, John V. W. Reynders, Marydell Tholburn (eds.)

This ebook constitutes the refereed court cases of the 1st foreign convention on medical Computing in Object-Oriented Parallel Environments, ISCOPE '97, held in Marina del Rey, California, in December 1997. the amount offers 36 revised papers conscientiously chosen for inclusion within the booklet. The papers deal with run-time functionality optimization at numerous degrees, new language programming paradigms, purposes of Java-based know-how, direct functions in numerous parts, object-oriented libraries, and new principles and methods to parallel clinical computing. All in all, this is often an updated presentation of the state of the art within the software of object-oriented equipment in clinical and engineering applications.

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Sample text

The Newton-Raphson iterative procedure was used to solve efficiently for the equilibrium condition; to expedite the calculations all components of the Jacobian matrix are evaluated analytically. The model was validated by reproducing results of actual cadaver knee joint experiments 34. By using an analytical Jacobian formulation, the model converges very rapidly (2 to 10 seconds for most analyses). It provides graphical display of the results, and it allows the user to interactively change any of the input parameters.

The chosen solution is to build an "hybrid" model of the skull (Figure 5). 3D C e p h a l o m e t r y - The 3D Cephalometrical analysis procedure is then divided in 3 steps: definition of sagittal median plane (Figure 6 (a)), determination of 10 cephalometrical anatomical landmarks (Figure 6 (b)) and the analysis itself, which is automatically calculated (Figure 6 (c)). Each step of the analysis is validated and if necessary manually corrected. V i r t u a l O s t e o t o m i e s - The goal is to isolate on the 3D model a part of the maxilla and of the mandible from the rest of the skull.

We don't use compression algorithms to reduce the number of facets because the operator must have a sufficiently precise model to identify correctly the cephalometrical points without losing any detail. The chosen solution is to build an "hybrid" model of the skull (Figure 5). 3D C e p h a l o m e t r y - The 3D Cephalometrical analysis procedure is then divided in 3 steps: definition of sagittal median plane (Figure 6 (a)), determination of 10 cephalometrical anatomical landmarks (Figure 6 (b)) and the analysis itself, which is automatically calculated (Figure 6 (c)).

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