Occupational Voice Loss by Nerys Williams, Paul Carding

By Nerys Williams, Paul Carding

The 1st consultant to hide elements of voice loss from an occupational well-being standpoint, this reference covers tactics to notice, verify, and stop voice loss in colleges, business amenities, and different place of work environments, in addition to covers occupational teams in danger and hazard elements for constructing voice loss-analyzing quite a few chemical, environmental, mental, and clinical factors of this almost certainly work-related situation.

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Other voice laboratory assessments may include measurements of sound pressure levels, speaking pitch (habitual and total range), vocal fold vibratory patterns, and airflow during phonation (40). Videolaryngeal-endoscopy is essential to exclude other diseases (as described at the beginning of this chapter). Pathological changes may occur on the vibrating edge of the vocal folds as a result of repeated collision trauma of forced and strained voicing (3–5). , nodules or polyps) commonly occur at the center of the membranous portion of the vocal folds—the place where the mechanical impact of vocal folds vibration is greatest (2,3).

Singers Another occupational group that has been highlighted as experiencing a higher prevalence of voice disorders is singers (Fig. 1). Self-reported voice problems in singers have been described in several studies. Miller and Verdolini (20) looked at the frequency of self-reported voice problems in voice or singing teachers by sampling 10% of the membership of the National Association of Teachers of Singing in the United States. Each recipient also received a second questionnaire to be completed by a friend or colleague who was not a singer.

Puberphonia or the male voice that will not break. Aust Voice 1996; 8:34–38. 15. Abitol J, de Brux J, Millot G, et al. Does a hormonal vocal cord cycle exist in women? Study of vocal pre-menstrual syndrome in voice performers by videostroboscopy–glottography and cytology on 38 women. J Voice 1989; 3:157–162. 16. Flach M, Schwickardi H, Simon R. What influence do menstruation and pregnancy have on a trained singing voice? Folia Phoniatrica 1969; 21:199–200. The Etiology of Voice Disorders 41 17.

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