Employee Relations by Chris Brewster (auth.)

By Chris Brewster (auth.)

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Managers at the higher levels are focused on the overall business requirements; they consider employees, where appropriate, as groups rather than individuals. Activity How will differences between departments or between levels of management be resolved? Think of some organisations you know about (the government might be a good case if you cannot think of any others). What usually happens when a dispute between two departments cannot be resolved is that the matter is referred to a higher authority - to a more senior manager.

Amongst teachers and nurses it has gone within living memory from low to high. So it changes over time as well as with industry. It also varies from company to company within the same industry and from group to group within the same company. Why People Join Unions Activity Why do so many people join trade unions? If you are a union member try to remember why you joined and write a sentence that explains it. If not, try to imagine a situation in which you might join a trade union. People will join trade unions for various reasons, some immediate and others more general.

Other associations recruit regionally and have an overall body at national level to which the associations belong: this format is typified by the Engineering Employers' Federation and its constituent local associations. It is mainly found in the private manufacturing sector. Staffing of the associations varies considerably too. Some employ a large number of full-time staff specialising in all sorts of subjects; many employ just a small administrative secretariat; and a lot have no full-time staff and rely on local solicitors or accountants as central figures.

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