Animal Migration, Navigation, and Homing: Symposium Held at by Eduard Batschelet (auth.), Prof. Dr. Klaus Schmidt-Koenig,

By Eduard Batschelet (auth.), Prof. Dr. Klaus Schmidt-Koenig, Prof. Dr. William T. Keeton (eds.)

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Erdkroten konnen UV-Licht sehen. Naturwissenschaften 59(7), 316 (1972) Frisch, K. von: Die Polarisation des Himmelslichtes als orientierender Faktor bei den Tanzen der Bienen. Experientia 5, 142-148 (1949) Frisch, K. von: The dance language and-orientation of bees. Cambridge: Belknap Press, 1967, 566pp. : Refraction of infrasound by upper atmospheric winds. J. Acoust, Soc. Am. : Ultraviolet reflection of a male butterfly: Interference color caused by thin-layer elaboration of wing scales. : Visual pigments of chicken and pigeon.

Choosing S as the new origin and disregarding the distances from S we obtain two circular samples as shown in Figure 14. The two samples are entirely separated. Applying some circular two-sample tests we get the following results: v s x Fig. 14. 018 All three tests result in significance at a level below 5%. : Magnetic orientation and its relation to photic orientation in Tenebrio Molitor L. Netherl. J. Zool. : Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Problems in Animal Orientation and Certain Biological Rhythms.

Binocular visual field and retinal landmarks of a Great Horned Owl (Bubo vipgini anus) . RTF, Pight temporal fovea; LOA, Zeft optical axis tv\, $\ ~ ~RTF I I, , . / ' . , " I .. , , \ I , \ , \ ,, \ , \ ___ ________ ____ _ J_________ ____________ . . ___ __ ~e~~ ~)I;J !!.. ___ • I ", . , , " " / ,, Fig . 4 . Binocular visual field and retinal landmarks of the nocturnal oilbird, Steatopnis caPipensis. Note the extensive pecten, which is like that of a diurnal bird and quite uncharacteristic of other Caprimulgiformes, all of which have small pectens like that of Bubo in Figure 3.

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